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Industrial Software


Stello Planner incorporates flexible and efficient algorithms based on meta-heuristics, multi-objective variants and sophisticated decision support systems that reinforce the role of the decision maker and its interaction with the entire system. The algorithms are constantly developed in a close and permanent collaboration between Softi9 and INESC TEC.

Using algorithms, Stello Planner is an indispensable tool for production managers, helping them to guarantee increases in productivity and global competitiveness. For this purpose, Stello Planner has, among others, the following objectives:

Minimize setup / downtime / stoppages
Maximize energy efficiency
Maximize resource load
Maximize value
Meet delivery deadlines
Minimize production costs

Stello Planner uses mathematical algorithms to obtain, in an expeditious way, a good solution, giving the possibility of using, simultaneously, several optimizations criteria.

Unlimited possibility to generate coexisting alternative scenarios
Unlimited possibility to generate coexisting alternative scenarios

The Planning Department involves the cooperation of the following departments:

Operations management and production planning involve, in most industrial environments, decision making at different levels, associated with different timings and different levels of information aggregation.

Commercial Department

Commercial Department



Production and Engineering Deparment

Production and Engineering Deparment

Shop Floor

Shop Floor

Maintenance Department

Maintenance Department

HR Department

HR Department

Easy integration with other systems

It is important that Stello Planner is fed with reliable information about production-related data. Communication with other systems is done through XML files.

Stello Planner integration mechanisms with other systems are supported by information capacity models and product engineering, based on the ISA95 and implemented in XSD/XML. The integration between Stello Planner and legacy systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) is simple, and it can be implemented through XML, MS Excel files or web services. In case the legacy system does not have all the necessary information for the correct execution of Stello Planner, it implements mechanisms to complement information coming from the ERP.

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